Obviously we would like more people to join the PTFA but even if this is not your thing there are plenty of ways you can get involved during events if you have a few hours to spare. Here are just a few of the things we need help with…
• Donating/Buying cakes at Cake Sales
• Selling Raffle Tickets
• Putting up Posters / Leaflet Drops
• Event Setting up/ Clearing Up
• Serving refreshments
• Sharing our facebook posts
• Interact with our Website
• Help raise sponsorship
Every little helps so if you have time to spare (even an hour before, after or during an event) please contribute.
Calling Y5 and Y6 parents
In order to help improve the communication between us and parents we are looking for representatives from each school year to join the PTFA. These people will attend the PTFA meetings approx 1 per month and act as a go between in spreading the word of our events and activities amongst that year group. We currently have vacancies for Year 5 and 6. If you are interested please get in touch!